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Alicynne Glazier-Essalmi

Alicynne Glazier-Essalmi is a public health scientist with experience in pharmaceutical quality control and assurance, inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation medicine, environmental and clinical testing, environmental and occupational epidemiology, pharmacoepidemiology, infectious disease epidemiology, and pediatric and perinatal epidemiology. Alicynne investigates biological, environmental, and psychosocial risk factors that may influence human health and development over the life course. Her work in perinatal epidemiology is designed with attention to the intersecting social identities of especially vulnerable populations as she seeks to identify and address drivers of health disparity in the context of maternal, infant, and child health. She has specific interest in modeling hypothesized direct and indirect effects between maternal exposure and offspring outcome for delineation of 1) intervention opportunities and 2) opportunities to improve public health service delivery with the overall goal of reducing morbidity and mortality among women, infants, and children.