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  • Trends in Cervical Cancer
    During 2008–2022, cervical precancer incidence decreased 79% and higher-grade precancer incidence decreased 80% among screened women aged 20–24 years, the age group most likely to have been vaccinated.  The Lead author of this publication is former PhD alum Julia Gargano.  Former PhD student Sarah Brewer was also a part of this research team.

  • Faculty and Student Spotlight
    This month we feature  Associate Professor Dr. Kip Bohnert and Masters student Michael Yeboah. Take a moment to learn more about who has an increasingly large record collection and who loves writing.

  • Lifetime Achievement Award for department professor

  • JimLAb Award Recipients
  • The department announces Research Day for April, 2025
    The Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics Research Day is an event designed to showcase the research and outreach work being led by the department’s faculty, students, and post-docs. Research Day is set for April 25, 2025
  • Faculty and Student Spotlight
    Did you know that Dr. Reeves is a DIYer or that Bendu Sherman enjoys interior design and art? Take a moment to learn more about Dr. Mat Reeves and PhD student Bendu Sherman.
  • Congratulations to Dr. Gustavo de los Campos
    Congratulations to Professor Gustavo de los Campos from the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics on being named Co-Vice Chair for the 2025 Quantitative Genetics and Genomics Gordon Research Conference, and Co-Chair for the 2027 conference!