News Archives
2024 | 2023
Older News
- T32 Fellowship for PhD Student
- 2022 Anthony Family Fund Award Winner, Barrett Montgomery
- An update from Henry Ford Health-MSU Partnership
- Does legalizing cannabis influence the choice to try it for the first time?
- Can Poor Sense of Smell in Older Adults Lead to Chronic Diseases?
- Pregnancy-Associated Deaths Due to Drug Use, Suicide and Homicide Increase
- How programs in Kent County and Detroit are reducing Black infant mortality
- Congratulations to the Spring 2022 Graduates
- Successful Blood Drive
- Tips for Researchers Looking to Recruit More Pregnant Black Women
- Dr. Claire Margerison and research team featured by NICH Obstetrics & Gynecology
- If Cannabis is Legal, Why Is the Illicit Market Still Thriving?
- Tech Tool Tracks Nutrition in High-Risk Pregnant Women
- PhD Graduate accepts position at the CDC
- Study could help predict a deadly pregnancy complication
- Prestigious American Heart Association award for one of our PhD candidates
- Health care providers can't end health care disparities alone
- CHM Early Career Research Excellence Award
- CHM Distinguished Service Award
- Michigan Indian Tuition Program
- Medicaid expansion linked to a reduction in pre-pregnancy depression
- New faculty
- Let the public health experts do their jobs
- GTC Health Department medical officer let go
- Michigan Indian Tuition Program
- R36 Award for PhD Candidate
- Dr. Mathew Reeves presenting at ICHOM 2021
- Dr. Honglei Chen appointed an MSU Foundation Professor
- Student-led research yields important discovery about clinical stroke trials
- Dr. Kip Bohnert presents at the Psychiatric Society Spring Meeting
- Research in Africa grant recipient
- GEMS establishes a Push 4 Plasma at MSU
- Pandemic Reemergence and Four Waves of Excess Mortality Coinciding With the 1918 Influenza Pandemic in Michigan: Insights for COVID-19
- Department Research Specialist Madeleine Lenski selected for award
- GEMS students help with blood drive
- Department collaborates with MDHHS on analysis of cardiac arrest ambulance calls in SE Michigan during first wave of COVID-19 pandemic.
- Months after COVID-19, many with long-term symptoms wonder if they'll ever feel the same
- Prestigious award for one of our students
- Helping others during the holidays
- Injectable birth control may increase blood lead levels in African American women
- Have you had your flu shot yet?
- Award for PhD in Epidemiology student
- Dr. Kip Bohnert co-author on recent paper
- Convalescent plasma gets Presidential endorsement – Professor of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Nigel Paneth played a key role
- Antibiotic Use during Pregnancy: Too Much of a Good Thing?
- New Associate Professor
- Retired Assistant Professor Passes Away
- Racial and Ethnic inequalities in treatment with hysterectomy
- Spring 2020 Graduates
- Caring for Opioid Use Disorder Patients in Northern Michigan
- Meet Dawn Misra
- Undergraduate attends International Stroke Conference
- Former T32 PostDoc recognized for her work
- Undergraduate attends International Stroke Conference
- Fall 2019 Graduates
- Helping paramedics recognize signs of stroke faster
- Helping Stroke Patients adjust when returning home
- Overdose, suicide among reasons for death of new moms
- Exercising helps make better food choices
- A declining sense of smell may be a warning sign
- 15 doctors send message to Michiganders on wearing masks, following science