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Partnerships for Innovative Research in Africa Grantee Announcement

April 29, 2021

From the Alliance for African Partnership,

The Alliance for African Partnership (AAP), a consortium of MSU and eleven leading African institutions has announced 11 recipients of the 2021 Partnerships for Innovative Research in Africa (PIRA) grant programs. The PIRA grants are a tiered funding opportunity designed to cultivate and support multidirectional and transregional research partnerships at any stage of their development, whether it be initiatives to explore and create new relationships or scale existing ones. The awarded projects cover diverse disciplinary perspectives and span four categories: youth transformation, Africa-Asia transregional grants, early career researchers and global African diaspora grants

We are pleased to share with you that one of our 2021 awards are being led by faculty from The Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics.

 Using Health Information Technology Governance and Epidemiologic Approaches to Implement Sustainable Digital Health Systems in Central Uganda

    • MSU Principal Investigator: Kelly Hirko
    • Partner: Makerere University 


We offer our sincere congratulations to all the grant recipients and look forward to the outcomes that these equitable partnerships will bring. For more information, please see the attached press release. You can also find details and access to a video of the teams’ project overview presentations from the PIRA launch on our PIRA awards website.