CHM Early Career Research Excellence Award

November 11, 2021
It is with pleasure to announce that Kristen Upson, assistant professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, was selected as a recipient of the CHM Early Career Research Excellence Award. This award recognizes early career faculty members who have demonstrated early success in basic science, clinical, epidemiological, or translational research.
The letters of support in Dr. Upson’s nomination packet included comments such as,
“Her research is grounded in both literature within the content area and the relevant methodologic literature, and it is designed to move the field forward both for better science and for better women’s health. She is a joy to collaborate with!”
Donna Baird, PhD, Principal Investigator, Intramural Program, Epidemiology Branch, NIEHS, NIH
“In her work as my doctoral student, Dr. Upson independently developed her research program on endocrine disrupting chemicals and endometriosis, making the connection between environmental chemicals that mimic or interfere with endogenous hormonal activity and this important hormonally driven condition in women. She is one of the few researchers to venture into this research realm, and she successfully published three research papers on the topic (phthalate metabolites and endometriosis, organochlorine pesticides and endometriosis, and BPA and endometriosis). These papers were groundbreaking and elicited widespread media coverage.”
Victoria Holt, MPH, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of Washington
“Dr. Upson has been incredibly productive – during any time period, but truly exceptionally during this pandemic. She has taken on an intense mentoring and advising load for an early career faculty member. Additionally, she has remained highly engaged in discovery with multiple publications, grant submissions, and funding success.” -
Stacy Missmer, ScD, Professor, Obstetrics Gynecology & Reproductive Biology, Michigan State University
Please join us in congratulating Dr. Upson on this well-deserved award!