Previous Winners
Barrett Montgomery
“Estimating the Effects of Legalizing Recreational Cannabis on Newly Incident Cannabis Use” Learn More
Dr. Rachel Gicquelais
"Hepatitis C Transmission in Young People who Inject Drugs: Insights Using a Dynamic Model Informed by State Public Health Surveillance"
Dr. Rachel Gicquelais is a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in the HIV Epidemiology and Prevention Sciences Training Program. She will join the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Nursing in Fall 2020 as an Assistant Professor
Jill Rabinowitz
"Polygenic and Environmental Influences on the Course of African Americans"
Benjamin D. Pollock
2nd year Doctoral Student,
Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
"Cardiovascular Risk Mobility: A Novel Application of Economic Theory to Characterize Life-course Cardiovascular Risk"
Authors: Benjamin D. Pollock1, MSPH, CPH, Lydia A. Bazzano2, MD, PhD
Fei Jia
Michigan State University student
"A Flexible Plug-in Estimator of Controlled Direct Effects in Longitudinal Studies"