Faculty page
Improving Outcomes in Stroke Patients After Returning Home
Mathew Reeves is a professor of epidemiology with an interest in stroke. The recently completed Michigan Stroke Transitions Trial (MISTT) and related MISTIC clinical trial (under-development) are designed to help stroke patients and their caregivers after returning home from the hospital. We have tested the effects of providing enhanced case management using social workers and providing patient education materials using a curated patient-centered website. We are now developing telehealth-based apps and video conferencing technology to deliver multi-disciplinary case management to patients and caregivers in their homes.
Improving the Quality of Care and Outcomes for Stroke Patients Using Large Registries
Mathew Reeves is a professor of epidemiology with an interest in stroke. Over the last 20 years he has been involved in the development of the Michigan Acute Stroke Registry (referred to as MOSAIC), and is on the oversight committee for the American Heart Association’s Get-With-The Guidelines-Stroke registry which includes data from almost 6 million stroke events and over 2,000 hospitals. Current projects include data linkages between the Michigan MOSAIC Registry and pre-hospital (EMS) and post-hospital data sources.