Job Opportunities
INTERNAL (our department)
None at the moment. Please check back
December 19, 2024
The Department of Family Medicine is currently seeking internal candidates for a fixed-term faculty position to work closely with the Dean's Office on special projects consistent with its priorities. Additionally, this individual will be expected to develop their own research projects and seek internal and external funding in support of their research. Anyone interested in the position should contact Dr. Julie Phillips, Chair of the Department of Family Medicine (, or Molly Polverento, Senior Academic Specialist(, for additional information
December 18, 2024
American Cancer Society
This is a good opportunity for anyone wishing to move into the grant management side of things. They will help organize peer review, plan conferences, organize consortia, and be the first of line of communication with PIs. The ideal candidate has a background in cancer research, strong communication skills, detailed oriented, and committed to the mission of cancer prevention and control. Looking for someone with experience in cancer etiology, prevention, screening/detection, treatment, and/or survivorship- preferably within the lens of health equity. It's PhD preferred and 100% remote work position (it says Atlanta, but it's open to anywhere in the US).
Potential applicants are welcome to contact Kortney South (our HR lead), or directly apply here:
December 9, 2024
Dr. Tim Bruckner seeks a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Joe C. Wen School of Population and Public Health at the University of California, Irvine (UCI), to work on two projects. The main project involves understanding structural, economic, and policy-level causes of racial disparities in stillbirth and live birth outcomes in the US. The secondary project will assist with quantifying the extent to which postponement of childbearing in Denmark affects health, educational, labor market, and other societal costs—both for parents and their children. The fellowship is a one‐year appointment with the possibility of one-to-two‐year renewal. This appointment is contingent upon receipt of the Ph.D. prior to the start date. The start date is negotiable but could begin as early as April 2025.
December 2, 2024
Postdoctoral Fellow
Environmental Epidemiology at UNC Chapel Hill
We are seeking a candidate with doctoral training in an environmental health-related discipline such as epidemiology, exposure assessment, molecular or computational toxicology and biology, environmental chemistry, statistics, bioinformatics, or geography, for an NIEHS funded T32 postdoctoral fellowship in Environmental Epidemiology. The initial appointment period is 1 year with a maximum of 2 years of support. This fellowship is part of a robust training program, encompassing epidemiology, biostatistics and environmental sciences and affords the fellow the opportunity to pursue mentored research in their areas of interest. Fellows are encouraged to collaborate with UNC Investigators as well as adjunct training faculty at the NIEHS and EPA. This training program will prepare environmental health scientists to be future leaders in environmental health science collaborations.
The UNC Department of Epidemiology has a number of ongoing environmentally focused research projects, including projects focused on pregnancy, child growth, and neurodevelopmental outcomes, as well as adult-onset chronic diseases. Environmental epidemiology faculty in the UNC Department of Epidemiology have expertise in exposure mixtures, children’s environmental health, the built environment, environmental justice and community engaged research, disaster epidemiology, extreme weather and climate change impacts, environmental chemical exposures including pesticides, endocrine disruptors, PFAS, and other toxicants, ambient and indoor air pollution, noise pollution, as well as other areas. Training grant faculty and existing research ongoing in our department may be viewed here:
Programming skills are required and relevant work experience preferred. We seek individuals with high energy, creativity, attention to accuracy, and the ability to work independently and within a multidisciplinary team. Consistent with NIH policies for T32 fellowships, to be eligible for this award, individuals must be a citizen or a noncitizen national of the United States or have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence at the time of appointment.
To apply, please:
- Send an application packet containing a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, writing samples (published or unpublished), to Dr. Stephanie Engel ( (put “T32 postdoc” in subject line). Cover letter should address desired area of research focus during the postdoctoral period.
- Apply using the HR application link:
- Send two letters of reference, including one from the dissertation advisor, to Dr. Stephanie Engel by email at
Position will be available starting July 1 2024. Review of applications will begin as soon as possible, and the search will remain open until the positions are closed or filled. Questions? Write to
November 8, 2024
The Department of Chronic Disease Epidemiology at Yale University is seeking applicants at the rank of Assistant/Associate Professor in the Educator-Scholar Track with a strong record of teaching and research scholarship in epidemiology. The search is active, and we will begin interviewing soon.
June 26, 2024
The School of Health and Human Sciences (HHS) at UNC Greensboro is seeking a Research Scholar to serve as the statistician/research methodologist in the Office of Research.
This is a permanent, 12-month NON-faculty position in which the individual will be supervised by the Associate Dean for Research. Time and funding for professional development related to remaining abreast of cutting-edge techniques will be provided. There is no expectation that the individual maintains an independent line of research. Rather, they will either play a highly valued support role to or become an integral member of collaborative research teams led by faculty in HHS. This includes assisting with data analytic plans for external grant proposals and/or serving as a co-investigator in the statistician/methodologist role. They may also publish on cutting-edge methodological techniques and approaches if desired. Faculty in the 11 highly ranked HHS departments/programs (Communication Sciences and Disorders, Community and Therapeutic Recreation, Genetic Counseling, Gerontology, Human Development & Family Studies, Human Health Sciences, Kinesiology, Nutrition, Peace & Conflict Studies, Public Health Education, Social Work) successfully secure over $10 million annually in external contracts and grants to conduct basic, applied, and/or community engaged research that meaningfully enhances the health and well-being of individuals, families, organizations, and communities. Sample areas of inquiry include reducing childhood obesity, preventing Alzheimer’s disease, promoting mental health, promoting sexual and reproductive health, reducing health and educational disparities, promoting vaccination uptake, addressing workforce needs related to the Opioid epidemic, and combatting structural racism. Recent funders include the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, the Institute of Educational Sciences, the Health Resources and Services Administration, The Gates Foundation, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, as well as state and local foundations and agencies. The School of HHS embodies a culture of care and inclusiveness, and the Office of Research is committed to supporting the development of the selected applicant to promote career longevity/success in the position over time. Candidates with a passion for and expertise in analytic methods who wish to contribute meaningfully to collaborative research efforts led by faculty are encouraged to apply.
Review of applications will begin August 1 and continue until the position is filled.
Full details are available here:
Questions about the position may be directed to Associate Dean for Research, Esther Leerkes at