Biostatisticians and Epidemiologists at Michigan State 

BEAMS is the primary organization of epidemiology and biostatistics graduate students at Michigan State University. 



  1. Discussion forum for epidemiology and biostatistics graduate students
  2. Advocate actions that enhance the science and practice of epidemiology and biostatistics among students
  3. Promote professional student development through educational activities
  4. old social events to encourage a friendly environment for networking and fun



Some of the activities of BEAMS include:

  • Haven House

    Haven House is a homeless shelter providing emergency housing and support services for both one- and two-parent families with children, emphasizing safe shelter, healthy food, and clothing. The shelter provides families with programs that offer assistance with attaining housing within a realistic budget (Rapid Rehousing), in addition to classes and activities for parent and children (Family Life).


    haven house

  • PIE NIGHT at Grand Traverse Pie Company


    GEMS night out

  • Department Picnic


    GEMS at our picnic

  • Push 4 Plasma

    Push 4 Plasma

    GEMS has established a Push 4 Plasma (P4P) Chapter at MSU! Our first Chapter blood/convalescent plasma drives were held on March 18 and March 31, 2021 at the Union in the Lake Huron Room. 

    P4P is a national campaign presented by the National COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma Project (organization that GEMS represents), University Blood Initiative, Survivor Corps, and American Association of Blood Banks. To learn more about us and what we do, please visit:

    The P4P MSU Chapter is bringing Versiti to the East Lansing campus for the very first time! Versiti is a LOCAL blood center, meaning that donations stay in Michigan. 


  • Blood Drive


  • Bake Sales


    GEMS bake sale

  • BEAMS Night Out
  • Food Drives
  • Alumni Career Connection Series is a series of informal meet and greets with Department alumni from diverse career pathways, including academic research centers, health departments, hospital systems, government agencies, non-profit organizations, consulting, and the private sector. The purpose of this series is to help students explore future career pathways and to expand opportunities for networking. 


BEAMS Executive Board Members:

mmyers.jpg Matthew Myers, President

Matthew is a third year PhD student in Epidemiology who works with Dr. Kipling Bohnert. Matthew's research is focused on adverse substance use outcomes, motor vehicle crashes, and injury prevention. Prior to joining MSU, Matthew received a bachelor's degree in biology from Albion College, and a master's in public health (MPH) from the University of Texas Health. Outside of work and school, Matthew enjoys spending time outdoors, cooking, and traveling. As a member of BEAMS, he hopes to foster the sense of community within the department. Feel free to reach out to him at any time!


Vice President: Nabasmita Talukdar

Outreach Coordinator: Bendu Sherman

Treasurer: Avery Armstrong

COGS Representative: Prarthna Isaac Mudumala

Member at Large: Norman Chamusah



For more information about BEAMS send an email to


GEMS Night Out 


Mission and History of BEAMS

BEAMS is the primary organization of epidemiology and biostatistics graduate students at Michigan State University. BEAMS is dedicated to the promotion of a high quality epidemiology graduate education and research environment at MSU and to the promotion of public's health, in Michigan, elsewhere in the United States, and overseas.

GEMS was formally created in 1999 as an organization that serves the interest of the member-students: (a) through sponsorship of scientific meetings and journal clubs, (b) by providing a forum for discussions on any topic that concerns GEMS members and their educational and research activities, (c) recognizing outstanding contributions to the field, and (d) advocacy for issues pertinent to GEMS. The organization was renamed BEAMS ins March, 2022 to better reflect both the epidemiology and biostatistics graduate students.



President of BEAMS Responsibilities:

Responsibilities include: for month-to-month and semester-to-semester policy and programmatic decisions and for convening GEMS meetings; representing BEAMS in negotiations with the department chair and other unit administrators pertinent to GEMS.

Vice President of BEAMS Responsibilities

Responsibilities include: operational logistics for the bimonthly BEAMS meetings and attendance at departmental graduate committee meetings, as scheduled. Assists the president in the planning of seminars and journal club activities regarding the applications of epidemiology, as well as social events.

BEAMS Bylaws