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Successful Blood Drive

April 8, 2022

On Thursday, April 7 the MSU chapter of the University Blood Initiative (UBI), an RSO co-founded by Epidemiology and Biostatistics PhD candidates Sarah Brewer and Alyssa Vanderziel, participated in the first annual Versiti sponsored blood battle against the University of Michigan chapter of UBI. 

The mission of MSU's UBI chapter is to engage young, diverse populations to join the blood donation community. They have partnered with, Versiti, a local blood center which supplies Michigan hospitals with blood products. 

The blood battle between UBI chapters MSU and U of M was a huge success! MSU BEAT MICHIGAN, 76 units to 25 units of blood. PhD Candidate Sarah Brewer commented on MSU’s success. “We couldn't be prouder of our chapter. It's always tough to get participation when you are a new club on campus. At our first few drives we collected less than 30 units (still great). At yesterday's drive was a constant line to donate, resulting in our big win at 76 units!

Our club is continuing to grow, as our board recruits new interested students. Our last education event (phlebotomy clinic) was also a big success in terms of content and participation. We are looking forward to more successful events in the future.”