Prestigious American Heart Association award for one of our PhD candidates

January 21, 2022
The department is pleased to share the news that Dr. Ra’ed Hailat, a PhD candidate in Epidemiology, has been awarded a 2022 American Heart Association’s (AHA) Predoctoral Fellowship. Dr. Hailat is the first student in the department to be awarded this highly competitive grant. The AHA’s Predoctoral Fellowship is a prestigious award designed to support the research training of aspiring academic health professionals interested in a career in cardiovascular and stroke research.
Dr. Hailat has been working with his advisor Dr. Mathew Reeves since he entered the PhD program in 2019. The 2-year award will provide Dr. Hailat funding to complete his dissertation, which involves linking data between Michigan’s Acute Stroke Registry and a large-scale administrative health database housed at the University of Michigan.
This database includes data from Medicare, Medicaid, and Blue Cross Blue Shield, the largest private insurer in Michigan. This project will provide insight on the long-term outcomes of stroke patients and improve the efficiency and equity of stroke care.
Dr. Reeves commented, “Obtaining this AHA Predoctoral Fellowship is a major achievement as it allows Raed to focus 100% of his time and energy to complete this ambitious project. The end result will be the generation of a unique linked database that provides a platform to answer important questions about the delivery of acute stroke care and its impact on patient recovery across the state.”