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Faculty helping students publish their results


Drs. Danielle Gartner and Kristen Upson helping students publish results in a peer reviewed manuscript.

MSU students, Nupur Huria (3rd year LBC Human Biology & Psychology, Honor’s College) and Harsna Chahal (1st year MPH), have been tirelessly working across the MSU campus to raise awareness around period poverty and procure free menstrual products for MSU students. After developing and administering an online survey to better understand students' experiences, knowledge, and barriers to accesses menstrual products, their survey results were presented to the MSU Administration, securing over 200 university-funded free menstrual dispensers across campus in women’s and gender-neutral restrooms. Nupur and Harsna recently won second place after presenting at the Diversity Research Showcase. As mentors, Drs. Danielle Gartner and Kristen Upson are currently working with them to publish these results in a peer reviewed manuscript.